The most important thing about this project is the way it impacts the environment care thanks to the modifications made in the functional, manufacturing and disposal elements.

HELIX is a syringe made of a single material in different densities and hardness for it's functionality without affecting the structure of the object.
A conventional syringe uses 5 materials where we find steel, polyethylene, rubber, resin, glue and heat dye which makes it a more laborious hybrid to process.
HELIX can be compacted using only 30% of space compared to the conventional syringe, making it's storage easier and safer. In addition to that they can be processed in incinerated in more number due to their size saving energy and processes.
HELIX introduces WHO-imposed markings into its design in addition to have better exploiting opportunities for comfort and task for nurses.

Taking into account the most remarkable elements of HELIX, now we will compare the characteristics in terms of disposal processes, obtaining hard data on how the product does not only infer in use.
An active patient in the vaccine produces approximately between 60 and 55 grams of waste in materials (gloves, medication boxes, medicine, vial, glass vial, syringe and wrappers), the calculations are obtained in a matter of written reports from WHO.
1 Patient
60gr - 55gr
20gr - 15gr
Conventional Method

Conventional Method
By reducing it's size by only 30% of the conventional method, this helps to process more syringes occupying less space in the incinerator as well as reducing the amount of burns necessary for safe disintegration.

50,000,000 vaccines are expected to be distributed in Mexico by the end of this year only in the month of November
3.25 million tons of garbage are generated by conventional injection method
60% reduction in garbage generated with the HELIX method

On the other hand (analyzing the 100kg capacity of a conventional disinfector) normally we use 320 disinfectors, with HELIX we can reduse it to only 120 disinfectors, which reduces energy consumption by almost 100,000 watts.
We went from filling 3 football stadiums with waste to just 1,all of this adapting the materials to a design that empowers them in their specific task.