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This diagram explains the correct way to use HELIX for efficient drug application and subsequent disposal.


  • Be sure to use the syringe when unpacking to avoid accidents or infections.

  • Protect the waste in a rigid container and take it to the optimal authorities when it reaches 3/4 capacity.

  • Only the syringe and cap are disposed of together, the rest is material that can be recycled into common garbage.


Rigid plunger with vacuum medication loading inlet.

Rigid plunger compresses the collapsible plunger, dosing the drug to the patient

A counter-needle at the other end is responsible for piercing the vacuum seal of the plunger, leaving the syringe completely unusable.


A safety cap protects the needle from any leakage

The counter needle has a double hollow (holes in the base) to let the medicine flow efficiently.


Pressure valve for injecting medicine


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Colored figures for the specific marking of the type of medication (15 colors), supply route (4 colors) and type of needle (3 colors).

Label with mediation number, number of doses, registration code and label withdrawal label. Needle is marked only with type of medication (blue).

Recycled cardboard cover (laminate) rolled.

Needle type


Medication type


Type of supply path


Industrial design students concerned about the impact of current products on the planet.


We seek solutions that support our goals as humanity and human sense.



This is a college investigation project in search of the well-being of the planet

Advanced Product Design


Project in development

Ithzel Libertad Cerón López - Industrial Designer

Daniel López Velasco - Industrial Designer


Contact: /


Special thanks: Rafael Lee Orozco

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